Miniature Metaphors

Training Wheels Gear

$ 49.99 


This unique activity was created by Jennifer Stanchfield.

This set of small processing objects is a great way to get your group thinking metaphorically during your debrief.

Ideas for Using Miniature Metaphors:

Individual Methods: have each group member choose a charm that represents one of the following ideas:
*A goal they have for the upcoming experience
*A personal strength or positive quality they bring to the group
*Their role during an activity
*A key learning they will take away
Consider allowing participants to keep the charm as a memento of their experience.

Group Consensus Methods:
Ask the group to agree on one of the following ideas:
*An object that best represents their experience as a group, the strengths of a group, or something they have achieved together.
*Three or four objects to tell a story of the group's journey, where the group started, where they have gone, and where they hope to go next.

Use your creativity--the possibilities are endless!

Client Testimonial:  "We absolutely love Mini Metaphors in our High School Ministry! It's perfect for groups meeting at a coffee shop because it's inconspicuous but can generate great discussion. My favorite way to use it is to pour the pieces out at the beginning of our small group times and incorporate them into our discussion or study three or four times throughout. They are great for opening the conversation by asking "choose something to represent a high from this week and a low from this week" and we've even used our set as a takeaway reminder at the end of a retreat asking students to "choose something that represents what you're taking away from this experience" and then allowing students to keep their chosen item by putting it onto a string necklace or bracelet as a reminder. "  ~Kelsey Battleson, High School & Young Adult Coordinator, King of Kings Lutheran Church