Cultural Connections

Training Wheels Gear

$ 49.99 

This is a card game that allows teams and individuals to raise their awareness of some of the researched differences in people based upon national culture. All Learning Loops card games including Cultural Connections can be played solo by an individual, or within groups of up to 12, where each question is discussed and a team consensus reached.

The game explores a number of areas in which there are specific international cultural differences in areas such as:
  • relationships with time
  • the environment
  • the ways in which status is ascribed
  • customs
  • etiquette
  • business protocol
All Learning Loops card games contain a self checking mechanism where the individual or group can check their subject knowledge and understanding as the game progresses - completion of all 6 Learning Loops means the correct answers have been chosen, and failure to complete any Learning Loop requires that body of knowledge to be reviewed for errors.

The game provides an opportunity for groups to begin to explore and discuss cultural diversity and is intended to be an introduction to themes and issues which skilled teachers and trainers can then develop in ways which are relevant to the needs and the sensitivities of the groups involved.

The theory on which this card game is based is research work written up in 'Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business' By Fons Trompenhaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, published Nicholas Brearley Publishing 1997