Games that Change the World Kit

Training Wheels Gear

$ 189.99 

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by Jim Cain

Games That Change the World - A collection of teambuilding props featured in Jim Cain's new book, the Teamwork & Teamplay International Edition (featuring translations of 51 teambuilding activities in 16 languages, all in one book!)

With this unique collection of props, a copy of the book, and a few simple props that you already have (like tennis balls, pens, masking tape, etc.) you can facilitate 51 fresh teambuilding activities that have been used around the world (in 31 countries, so far!)

Props included in this kit are:  One deck of the T&T Training Cards, Two Raccoon Circles, One Magic Lamp, One Bull Ring, One Fish Hook with one wood block (Goin' Fishin' tool), One Plastic Tarp, One Peteca (Funderbird), One pack of 100 index cards, 10 ropes (from 1' to 10'), One DIY Debriefing Ball, One Collection of Pieces for the Perfect Match activity, 5 Dice, One Debriefing Clicker, One Copy of the Book.