Workshop/Playshop: Team Building From the Toy Aisle
Join the Digital Premiere of the new book, Team Building From the Toy Aisle!
by Matthew Broda, Michelle Cummings and Trevor Dunlap
This live workshop has already happened, however you can still purchase the recording and Digital Asset package.
Workshop Description:
It's time to open grandma's game closet and re-see some of the many toy and game classics (and new-to-you crowd favorites) in a new light. Using elements design, game-based, and experiential theories, we will deconstruct a wide range of existing mass-market games and re-envision them for use as purposeful and engaging tools for team building applications.
We often get asked, "How do you keep coming up with new stuff?" In this workshop, we will help teach participants/facilitators basic game design and how to tweak an activity to fit their desired outcome.
The games we'll share have gone through hours of intensive design consideration, more than double that time in pilot-testing, research, and usability studies, and they are played across the globe. With that kind of research-and-reliability testing, we would be crazy to diverge from toys and games that carry a pedigree of performance and effectiveness. Are we going to change the scenarios and gameplay options to fit specific learning outcomes and intentions? You bet. We all have the opportunity to benefit from some of the best thinking in the toy/game industry and use this as
inspiration for new and improved tools!
As a result of their participation, session attendees will:
- Be able to recognize and apply the central design elements that facilitate the development of successful experiential tool.
- Receive the Full Digital Asset Package for all games presented so you can get playing with your teams right away.
- Recognize and apply game-design elements into a re-envisioning of existing resources.
- Utilize existing experiential theory to develop a new structure and outcome for an existing game or learning tool.
- Participate in a makerspace experience that synthesizes all objectives above in the production of a new and unique experiential tool.
Playshop Agenda/Time Needed:
Introductions (5 min.)
Goals (5 min.)
Part 1: Immersive Learning (60 min.) ~ Game Board Hero ~
Part 2: Why Toys and Games? (15 min.)
Part 3: From Toy Aisle to Team Building (90 min.)
Debrief and Takeaways (10 min.)
Q&A (10 min.)
Upon checkout you will receive a pdf as an automatic download.
What are you waiting for? Let's PLAY!
~ Matthew, Michelle & Trevor